Monday, March 06, 2006


I am completely overwhelmed by lifes responsibilities. Work, finances, child raising, husband raising, schedules, scheduling me time, church, leadership responsibilities, domestic responsibilities, extended family,'s never ending. Does anything ever just happen without the involvement of me in some way? No, highly unlikely. I will give my husband props for making an effort to be up and ready to go to church early yesterday. He was a tired and a complete ass most of the day, but he made it to church for the 10 o'clock service, and I believe he was actually touched by the first part of it, the rest of it he was fighting falling asleep. I would very much like things to just happen like him being up and ready to go to the 10 o'clock service, that was clearly and HG hook up (Holy Ghost or God hook up) why can't all things happen that way? Like my kid going to bed and staying in bed and just going to sleep without getting up and begging for a snack at 10 pm.....yeah it's too late. Why can't the bills just be paid, without me having to do it? Why can't the house just clean itself? Why can't all the big decisions in life just be easy to make without trying to make sure you are making the right decision? Why can't life just be normal? Sorry that post probably made no sense to anyone....except me who is clearly OVERFREAKINWHELMED!


Anonymous said...

Your post made complete and TOTAL sense to me. Been there, felt that, survived to tell about it - you will too. :-) Stay sane!

Melinda said...

I could completely relate to what you're saying. Made 110% sense to this gal. If you hear a snapping sound later, it's my rope...I'm kind of at the end of it and all.

Heather said...

TOTALLY understand ... and could have written it myself, but you did a much better job!!

Heather said...

PS -- like the new blog-look!