Sunday, March 19, 2006


Ever been so tired you can't even sleep? I've reached that point. Worked for 2 hours today (mind you I never work on the weekends, how do people do it?) Then I went to Proverbs 31:30 ministry downtown and taught some women who go to this shelter how to make bookmarks. Then we all ate a meal together. Cool experience, many of the women lived at the drop in center, some possibly on the street, just come and hang out at this shelter a couple women from my church run on Saturdays. God bless's the work they do there and it was fun to share with these women, and serve them. So from there we went to dinner for my birthday, and after that Perry and I went to a lock-in at the Y, because I'm just that crazy.
Got some cool pool pictures though. I love pool pictures, something about the color of the water, and maybe the super cute kid. Interesting as we were leaving the Y after the Lock-In, there was a sign by the door, the cornerstone of the building that said Established in 1969....ha....funny so was I.


Cyndi said...

Happy Birthday, Jodi! Glad you spent it with the scouts! And I just LOVED my Perry hug at the end of the evening. That made my whole day!

Anonymous said...

I can't go on and on like Shelley because I am not that sweet. But then again I remembered to call you. I love you and well, I already told you the birth story which was pretty uneventful, but you were a beautiful baby.
I love you Mom.

Melinda said...

Hey! Sorry I missed your b-day...not sure if it counts as "missing" since I didn't even know when it was to begin with! BUT! Happy, Happy, nonetheless. :)

*\0/* HaPpY BiRtHdAy, JoDi!!!

Heather said...

Happy B-day!! Take a rest!!

Teresa said...

I can't believe that I saw you on Saturday and totally forgot it was your birthday. I am so sorry. Happy Birthday!!!!!