Thursday, January 19, 2006


Cyndi might just kill me for this but here goes. So in my lame attempt to start yet another small group, I've frighten folks off I guess. Initially I had 3 people interested, then lost one, then I had 2. Both of which were really excited about the idea. Then I lost another, not sure why, or where she went, I called....what else can I it's just me and Cyndi now. As lovely as we both are, it'd be fun to have some more input from other lovely women as well. We got to choose the book cause hey you weren't here. and we chose Brennan Manning's The Relentless Tenderness of Jesus Trust me I combed through countless womens books and was drawn more toward his books and Donald Millers books. I think it's going to be really good. The next time we meet will be the Thursday after next, so if you know me and wanna come call me. I don't wanna advertise really at church (is that wrong?) It's a huge place (as if cyberspace isn't bigger) and you get all kinds of folks calling you, I kind of want to be able to pick folks sort of I'm sure you know what I mean. If you don't well you can go on and be a hater, it's my blog, and my small group and I can do whatever I that felt good. Can you remember when you were kid thinking that, "I can't wait till I grow up and then I can do whatever I want!"? I'm a grown up!

Mr. Pibb+Redvines=Crazy Delicious!

1 comment:

Cyndi said...

I am not gonna kill ya! It would be nice to have some other input so the two of us don't have to carry the conversation the whole time. I picked the book up this evening so I am ready to roll! Family Christian stores carries it (the book) and currently has a few coupons out, so I got it 25% off along with a half off Narnia calendar and new Bible cover. See ya soon.