Thursday, January 05, 2006

Just one of those Days!

Where you don't wanna get up. That was me today. Felt like bleh, so put Perry on the bus, called in and went back to bed. Call it a listen to your body day. I slept in, can't say it felt good, seems I felt worse and more depressed cause I stayed in bed all morning. Went to lunch with my husband, and still felt just bleh, not all that barfy sick, just depressed I guess, maybe the "mean reds". Could be after the holidays blues, or lack of a spiritual connection. It seems to get like that when there's an Alpha break, or I don't connect with my church peeps. Trying to pull together a womens small group so maybe if I pull this one off I'll have more of a constant spiritual accountability built in. Seems like a simple enough concept. Hopefully I can make it happen.
Mr. Foreman has good teeth, and good hair. How fun would it be to throw some newspaper on the floor and rock out? Whose with me?

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