Saturday, October 01, 2005

I got this!!!!


Not to worry people I got this! So I thought I did. Harold (best friends husband) came and started it, since I am not strong enough to get it pull started. I called and he ran right friends like that. Well after trying to figure out how to get the blades to stay down for 5 min....I cut a strip in the front headed to the back, and it stalled out.....WHAT THE HELL....Why does our riding mower have to be from 1976? It has a button that says "push to start" why can't that work? So Harold had headed off to a soccer game, brother had a doctors appointment. So I call my dad, he says. "I'll be right over!" Now maybe I can just get this man to stay here and just do it. Or help me do it! I'll ride you walk we'll have it done in no time. No big deal. We'll see. This is #1 why I don't like to ask folks for help. Wish someone would just schedule themselves to just cut my freakin grass once a week, so I don't have to worry about since it just stresses me out. And #2 why I like to shop on the weekend....requires little stress! Dads here....

Update: Yep he just did it! Even the super high grass around the bee hive. Ron wouldn't cut it because he is allergic to bees. See that's what I'm talking about you call you dad, he takes one look at you cutting grass, and he said let me just do it "fast".....dang I was just making sure it was cutting. Oh and that stupid riding mower....good heavens. He couldn't start it either. So we pushed it back in the shed, and dad got the push mower. 1.5 hours later it's all cut, I made him some ice tea. I'll round up some snapshots for him so he can make some crazy collage and we'll call it even. Good ole, dad, I cried help and he dropped everything and was here in a flash. Thanks Dad, and Harold for having my back! Oh and the kitchen's clean, and the bathrooms mopped. Kids in the process of getting cleaned then it's my turn. A very productive Saturday indeed.

1 comment:

Stacie said...

Yay for people caring for you :-) I'm so sorry you're living life on your own right now, regardless of how noble your husband's absence may be. I'm praying for you, and wishing I was closer so I could come relieve you of some of your stress.

By the way? I LOVE cutting the grass. I'm your woman! Maybe I can schedule a quick cut while I'm there for the big wedding in three weeks :-P