Friday, October 07, 2005

I Resign!....

I am so done being a grown up right now. I don't wanna play anymore, I want someone else to take over and run things for a while. Too much responsibility. I have to be a good parent, good employee, good daughter, good Christian, good friend,good wife, good stranger....too damn much people. Get me off this crazy train. Oh gotta be a good housekeeper too, I am failing at a lot of those miserably. Those are all the things I need to do and the only thing I can do is be a good shopper. Not good, not good at all.

The door for the God job remains open. I keep thinking it's going to slam shut, but nope still a possibility. Don't want to get my hopes up, yet trying to remain positive since it would be a nice hook up if it pans our the way I think it would. We shall see. If not I know it's just not where God wanted me. Nuff said.

P got in trouble on the bus yesterday. Apparently he is having difficulty staying in his seat, and he hit a kid. Probably cause the kid was trying to make him sit down. Well the Assis. Principle called and left a message to this regard. To which Perry denied all allegations. Although, his integrity was in question since he sits directly behind the bus driver, therefore, the bus driver would actually see P hit or stand up. So he was sentenced to his room till he was willing to share his side of the story. To which he continued to deny all allegations and said they just said he did it. After 2 hours of incarceration, the prisoner wore down, and confessed to his crime. It went a little something like this.

Mommy: Perry do you remember why you are in trouble?
P: Mommy I don't wanna be under punishment anymore.
Mommy: Do you recall the reason for you punishment?
P: Alright Mommy I'll talk about it. (in a wee small voice)
he softly says....."hate to break it to ya mommy, but the bus driver was right, I did hit, and I did stand up.....I'm sorry I lied. but a kid pushed me like this (he pushes his chest)
Mommy: I am glad you told the truth. You'll remain punished until I get home from work tomorrow. If it happens again you won't be allowed to ride the bus anymore. (he actually loves riding the bus.)

The prisoner is now free, and enjoying Fosters Home for imaginary friends.

Stacie wins for funniest link ever....gets kind of raunchy but dang funny! Steve Don't Eat it!
Give the Foo Fighters some love would ya!

1 comment:

Stacie said...

I'm so sorry you're having a hard time with bearing all of the EVERYTHING going on in your life. It's hard enough to deal with all of that when you do have a spouse around to help. I'll be praying for you, sister.

Liam has done the "No I didn't" thing so many times lately. Over and over about how he didn't do what you already know to be true. Then he confesses. It makes me wonder what exactly goes on in his head when he's denying something he knows to be true. It's on our list of things to talk about with Children's.

And? Did you totally snort when you read "Steve, don't eat it"? Hee!