Saturday, May 13, 2006

New Family Member.....

So I tell my friend Abby she needs to find a man. Plain and simple, she's single and she don't like it so she needs to get out there and find a man. Do things that would require her to socialize with single available men. I told her she needed to do something to begin this process at least once a month and in no time at all she'll find that Mr. Someone. Well she's made that first step in the process. Meet Abby's new man. Yes he is a bit hairy. And he makes funny noises when he's petted to inform you that he's enjoying it, but he sure is cute. The best thing about this new man of Abby is that he can be caged. Nothing like a man that can be caged!


Heather said...

Funny thing is that most men make funny noises when you pet them as well...!

Stacie said...

I was going to make a joke about Rusty making funny noises, but Heather beat me to the idea :-)

Cute guinea pig!