Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Greater Story

Trying to stay with the theme of G, also wondering why I ever started this nonsense! What happens if I wanna say something that starts with S, when I am still in the G's?? Thus the way my mind works, must complete what I start, see it through, not leave it undone, just a work in progress.

Went to bible study at church tonight. It's on the Old Testiment, I missed the first 5 weeks because I had Ethos on Mondays, and cub scouts on Tuesdays, adding something on Wednesday would have been crazy. So Alan began with Job tonight. Wow.....ever read it? I mean really read it, seems like I've read bits here and there, but not the whole thing. When God finally responds to Job's crys.....God goes on for chapters, describing how big he is. Amazing! The description in The Message, starting with chapter 38 is freaking amazing to me. I mean Job basically represents all of mankind, and all the suffering we do. And God cared about him. And this was all before Jesus even came onto the scene. The descriptions in those chapters about creation is awesome, it's a new perspective then what's described in Genesis, seems to have more detail. So what did I come away with? Simple really. God cares about little old me. I may think that there are bigger problems God has to conquire, but he still cares about whats going on with me and wants me to spend time with him, even if it's me praying I have time to clean my house, or if it's me praying my kid does well in school, or it's me praying my husband gets enough sleep. And so it Gods...........and and Bob and Larry, oh and Perry would say.....

"God thinks your special and he loves you very much!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know, Jodi, I got this too from Alan's message. Well, and of course from reading that book. I usually think things like "Yeah, right, like God cares if such and such happens" since it seems like such a trivial thing. Like God wouldn't even care to take the time for something so small. But, that is not true. He does care, even about the small stuff.