Friday, April 22, 2005

F is for Fode.........

Ha Ha Ha....don't let her fool you she's famous! Just take a look here! Only famous folks have fancy head shots! Oh and a fancy blog with a head shot. See what happens when you deny your famousness?? You show up as the subject of Jodi's blog. So the rest of you better fess up or when I get to the letter that your last name starts with....your name is fair game!
Apparently theres been a small request for the F- BOMB!

F-Bomb: Otherwise the mother of all cuss words. I will not actually spell it out here so as not to offend, but I'll drop it all over the place just to prove my point. It's quite a powerful word, but honestly it's lost it's true meaning I think. I mainly use it to get the point across that I am really pissed off. Or extremely frustrated it flows freely. Yesterday I'd say I dropped it quite a few times. My child ADDness has consumed me this week. The meds are working I saw that last weekend, when he suffered through a 2 hour eye appointment, with no problems. And he was extremely good on the cub scout camp out. But then this week, he was so dang hyper! Granted when I actually see him in the AM he's not medicated, and in the PM it's worn off. Doesn't seem fair that school gets him medicated and I don't. He's all over the place, running from place to place the second his feet hit the floor in the morning. If we go to a store if he's not confined to a cart, he's gone. In a resturant he's in the chair and off constantly, or rolling around the booth. He won't sit still to eat, unless it's fast food (thus the name). I don't like the stimulant medication like what he's on Concerta and Adderall, both stimulants. I actually like the anti-depressant strattera best, because it doesn't have the on/off effect. You can probably tell my frustration, STRESS OUT! So I've said many times this week.........."f-bomb"!
Famous people quit stalking my blog, and comment already!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL!!!!! You crack me up...OMG!!! Okay...fancy-shmancy photo??? Here's how...go sit on your porch. Hold your camera in one hand. Pretend to be leaning your head in the other hand. Snap the photo. Crop real close. Color correct. Post it on your blog so people think it's fancy.


That's my free tip-o-the-day!!!
