Saturday, April 09, 2005

E is for Ewwwww!

Ewww: The sound one makes when their child does something gross. Case in point on tuesday, Perry had a den meeting. He insisted on wearing his flip flops. When you are in a hurry, it's really not worth it to argue with a child. So I grabbed his gym shoes just incase they were doing track and field or something. We get to cub scouts and he immediately flipped his flip flops off and began running around the room barefoot. Granted he wasn't the only child running around while the Den leader was trying to talk, but sometimes if feels like it. Fast forward to end of meeting time. Perry no flip flops on his feet, the kids are standing in a circle getting ready to play silent ball. They have to be quiet for this game, and oddly enough Perry doesn't do too bad unless he has to catch the ball. Suddenly apparently Perry's left foot must have felt a bit dry. So what would one do if the bottom of their foot was dry and it was not in some sort of footwear??? Well what you do is, while standing on one foot you pull the other foot up to your mouth and you lick the bottom of the dry foot..........:::::sigh:::::::.........What's that? No that's not what you do? Well it's what my kid did. In front of all the onlooking parents. I was speachless at first, then I yelled EWWWW....Perry that is gross. So then he just licks his fingers and wipes them on the bottom of his foot. Equally as gross. Note to self: Footwear that ties and ADD medication is necessary for all Den meetings.

Ethos: A new ministry that I am involved in. Right now it looks very similar to Alpha, but in the fall it will not. Right now we are getting the framework for it and using Alpha material. In the fall we hope to have new curriculum so it looks very different. So what is Ethos you say? Allow me to do a little explaining and advertising for local folks who'd like to come or if you know someone send them we'd love to have them.

Ethos- (noun) The distinctive spirit of a culture or an era.

It's a safe place where folks can come and learn about God and ask any questions they want and hopefully find the answers. The coolest thing about Ethos is it's not at the church, so those who feel intimidated about a church enviroment can feel comfortable. Another super cool part is FREE DINNER at Rileys in Greenhills. So if you wanna check it out and want a free dinner for 5 weeks. It starts April 19th Rileys to register 851-8810 ext 301

Ok a little survey: Anyone is encouraged to answer this, whether you are a believer or not. Or even if you know folks who aren't believers, and you know what they are thinking. (like it's been discussed) What keeps you from knowing God better? What keeps you from becoming a follower of Jesus Christ? Or if you believe you are a follower, what keeps you from going to church on a regular basis (like every sunday)? If you are a believer, and do attend church on a regular basis, what keeps you from allowing others to know you are a believer? If you fall into any of those questions I welcome your response. If you know me, and don't want me to know who you are feel free to answer anonymously.


Melinda said...

Wow! You've asked alot of questions...not sure I can keep it all straight!

My answer is basically: ME. That's what keeps me from getting to know God better & going to church every Sunday.

I definitely believe in God...I'm not sure where the very faithful and fired up girl of my youth went. I miss her.

And, I have so much more to be thankful for now than ever. I've been reunited with my first love, we've been married for nearly 3 years, he's a great stepdad to my oldest and a wonderful father to my youngest. I owe God BIG.

Not sure what my problem is. Laziness and fear--is that what it is? Fear. Like if I don't go I don't have to admit I'm not pulling my weight?

Not sure, but I'll be thinking about it. BW and I will have to talk about it.

Stacie said...

Oh. My. Good Heavens. I know you didn't post that Perry story to enterntain me. But it DID!

Regarding your questions: I have a hard time "admitting" my Christianity because I disagree with many things that I hear "Christian Americans" say. I have a hard time letting Jerry Falwell or some other "Christian" be my voice to unbelievers. I just don't think the same way he does.

Here in the Washington DC area, it's way more liberal than Cincinnati. I miss some aspects of it. But in other ways, it's been good. It's nice to get to know people then have them be surprised to hear you're a Christian because you don't act like the "Christians" they hear on TV or the radio or read about in the news. There is someone that I have gotten to know and have purposefully not brough up religion to her because of her lifestyle. I didn't want her to close herself off to me because she knows that "Christians" don't approve of her way of living. She is a GREAT person. And we've had some great casual conversations in the context of our seeing each other. But in the off chance that we get to be actual friends, I don't want her to limit herself and feel that she can't be who she is.

Make any sense? :-) Unfortunately, especially in an area that is so heavily political, "Christians" are lumped into one big group and we really have to push ourselves to be more than that to the people around us.

Also? You know me. I don't play nice with others sometimes :-)