Sunday, July 16, 2006

Art Love....

At the end of my first successful small group, I asked everyone to write down things they liked about everyone in the small group and give it to them. Or they could be creative and do something fancy. I can't remember what I did honestly it was like 2 or 3 years ago. 2 of the guys in the group got really creative. One made us all magnets with our names on it and the other made me this flippin sweet bowl. He's got major pottery throwing skills. This is amazingly cool, he's so creative. And me the non-hugger......gave him a hug, in front of a crowd of people at church. This is definately something for Stacies Art and Faith blog! Posted by Picasa


Heather said...

How great!!!

Anonymous said...

Cool bowl!! You hugged????? :-)
PS: After wearing my crocs (sans socks) now for 3 weeks straight, I am not going to enjoy the dress code at ON next week. :-( I want a pair in red now!