Friday, October 20, 2006


TO SWITCHFOOT BABY!!!!!!! 10 DAYS! I totally can't wait. I've not looked forward to a concert so much in many years. Probably since....Billy Joel...which was a very long time ago. Seeing Bono on Oprah last weekend closely matches the excitment. That was flippin sweet. And to be able to share the excitment with my peeps was priceless. Connie is a big U2 fan just like me, so it was way cool that we got to watch Bono together. I think I may have scared Cyndi with my excitement, she's not known me for very she knows. Hee Hee....I was over the top. As I will be when I see Switchfoot!

I had a meeting at school today to go over the OT/PT goals. Which was more interesting than the other academic related stuff. Appears he has weak trunk musles. Which you'd never know unless you knew what you were looking for. He tends to compensate pretty well for his weakness's which I guess anyone would. Weak trunk muscles relates to a weak pencil grasp which translates into handwriting difficulties among other things. So we have a whole list of things we can do at home. Love people who know what the heck they are doing, makes me feel like my kid is cared for.

Ron made it through his 6 weeks of small group....he came through unharmed and not divulging any of his dark if he had any. I'm proud of him for hanging in there, and I think he'd even do it again someday. In the meantime you'll find him hanging out with the Handiman crew at church, helping out low income folks fix things. Check him showing God's love in a practicle way. He's showing me up, better do some outreach!


Heather said...

I am SO glad this school year is MUCHO MORE positive for Perry (and you!!).

Teresa said...

Outreach?! Come on over to the block party Sunday, Oct. 29 at 6pm. You can show some love in a practical way.