Saturday, December 02, 2006


Well we've all been treated, except Ron, um he's bald. Everythings been washed, and mom has picked teadiously through my hair, (she's got skills from when Ashton had the dreaded bugs in Kindergarten) and declared me bugfree. Now if they descover them again it's the punks at the bus stop....or again they are being harvested under his scalp. I'll tell you what though my scalp has never looked so clean. So all the projects have been posted for the Design Team gig at RMH....yowza that's some stiff competition....everyones so good and so different. I'm having a tough time I know what the current design team has to go through when theres a contest. I did a 12 x 12 layout, man that was hard, but I pulled it off. Regardless win or lose I'm really proud of my entry, I stayed true to my style and thats what matters to me.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Your stuff was way good! And the only person you should try to please is yourself. You'd have been great on the DT, though!!! There's always next year -- or a guest spot...