Friday, December 16, 2005

The countdown Begins

What is it like 9 more days till Christmas. Geez, I wish I was still in the Smokey Mountains, because that would mean it was still October, and I had a ton of time. I could go back and do some better planning and better budgetting. Why is it when you need money the most you budgetting skills fail you every year at the same time. Someday I'll get it right and we'll live within our means. From what I am hearing from my peeps, for some reason this holiday season has got a ton of folks overwhelmed and everyone is behind on their Holiday shopping and projects. Christmas cards are going out in stages, hopefully all will be sent before Christmas. So if you normally get one, and it's Christmas and you haven't got one yet, be patient! Steven Curtis Chapman, looks good for a dude in his 40's. Admittedly I've not been his biggest fan, but that's a dang good video, and song. Rock on SCC! I must say again Narnia was an awesome flick, and good to see even a non-christian can enjoy it and even call it beautiful. Oh yes cousin you may not see it, but some kind of seed has been planted in that Athiest heart of yours! CS Lewis is good for that, because he too was once an Athiest as well until the author of the Lord of the Rings got a hold of him.

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