Saturday, December 22, 2007

Broken Spirit........

I have not felt this crappy this close to Christmas, pretty much ever. I wish I could say I found my happy place and all is right with the world. I wish I could say my day wasn't ruined and I had fun going to lunch with friends I rarely get to see anymore. I wish I could say people are kind enough to hold off negative stuff till after the holidays. Saddly I can't say any of that. Didn't get to go to lunch with friends because just before hand my spirit was broken, stepped on, and then kicked as far as you could kick it. Then I was suppose to pretend like I was fine the rest of the day.......riiiiight.....
Ron and I make Mix CD's for the *OP's at work.
* should probably tell you what an OP is, it's an Old Person. I used to call them the Geri's (as in geriatrics) but they found that offensive. So I switched it to OP, which is equally as offensive only if you know what it means. OP=someone who is close to or over 50. After 60 sorry you'll have to go with Geri....just how it is. No mean comments from anyone I've everyone OP's and Geri's included.

We've been doing this every year for the past 3 years. We call it the Sexton Classics. And we pick songs that were exceptionally meaningful to us over the last year. Perry included. They enjoy them and it's a nice gift with low cost. I usually will make notes on the inside sleeve or via e-mail as to whose song is whose and why we liked it. The CD's were completed. Including cover art that included a picture of me at the switchfoot concert...very cool! Didn't get to do notes, or give them in person.....see broken spirit.

I am looking forward to Christmas, only because Perry's getting at least 1 thing he asked for. He actually only asked for one thing Castle Legos (got the Chum Bucket instead which will make him equally as happy) ended up just getting the Chariot Lego thing that goes to the castle. Oh and he's getting a DS which he'll be stoked about. I'm so ready to relax and enjoy christmas.....


Leah Yourstone said...

Hey cousin, all I can say is that I totally am in the same place as you right now, and I have no good reason for it. I hope you at least have a good reason. Or maybe if you don't, we can blame genes. Yeah, I like that idea.

Stacie said...

I'm sorry you have had the most crappy week ever. "OP" is hysterical. I think I may start calling my mom OP.

If you decide to go all Swedish and work at Ikea, let me know - Haj!