Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Overheard while camping.....

I am slacking on my blog so sorry....although no one has been yelling yet. Today is May day...guess your suppose to give someone a flower or something. There are no flowers in my yard at all the magnolia tree hasn't even bloomed yet, seems like it should have by now.

Ok so we went camping with the cub scouts this weekend. Many stayed in a cabin which had a loft. The loft had bunks and on night 2 most of the boys stayed in the loft. Perry stayed on the main floor he's not much of a follower, he creates his own space and kind of sticks to it. But many of the boys had Nintendo DS's, and as they were suppose to be going to bed many of them were playing their DS's....which apparently has a chat feature.....(yeah I know scary) they are starting young. So what on earth do 8 and 9 year old chat about? Well one apparently was entering text for a long time, and the one he sent it to was taking forever to read it, to which I heard...."Ben you have to read what I just sent it took me forever to write that...." All the other boys were anxious to hear what he had sent...."what's it say what's it say....." "Um it says....my butt looks big...." That's when the giggling ensued. It's fun to listen to them talk to each other...about Pokemon, spiderman and what not.


Heather said...

That's so funny!! (Just wait utnil they REALLY have big butts!!)

Anonymous said...

It took him that long to write that??? LOL! Glad to see you're back!

Cyndi said...

I spoke with the receiver of the text message (Ben) and he says the message said, "Ben, you have big buns. Really big buns. And everyone thinks that you have really, really big buns." Please make sure your information is accurate before you post it on your blog! HA HA Oh, to be 9 years old again!

Jodi said...

Um....I was half asleep, and dipping so what information I did get was remarkable. And that would explain why it took him so long to text that. LOL....