Thursday, March 08, 2007

It might not be Loud Enough

When God needs to get through to me he needs to be loud, I tend to have selective hearing. How am I going to have a bad case of the "gotta haves" right after my blog entry last night? My dad likes to be generous with gift giving pretty much always...he doesn't get me stuff any other time except B-days, and Christmas, and really is he suppose to after all I am now a grown up in charge of my own life. So I have got the major "gotta haves" for the Cricut, didn't have them before I got to play with it and now I got it bad. Thought for sure with the Walmart super low price, and mom's discout, he's spring for it. Not the case. Now I'm trying to decide if I take his offer of a little more than half and try and raise the funds myself (selling crap, which I got some major crap I could unload) or take it as a sign that, a cricut would be me giving into excess....feel free to be honest. I don't overindulge in too much scrap crap, I try to be frugal, and rarely buy expensive tools. I am usually pretty selective with my LOW budget for such things. Ok so I am going to sell some stuff this weekend I think, how about we wait and see how much funds I raise selling crap....shall we. Wish me luck!


Cyndi said...

May I say that you gotta have it???? I love mine, and I know you'll love it, too. Plus if you would sell your stuff you'd have the money in no time. Plus I have 3 cartridges you can borrow, so it's not like to have to buy all of them. Plus, you can use all that paper you own!!! Plus I am gonna make you a sweet Cricut cover if you get one! Go for it!

Jodi said...

theres one vote to get it, I oogled at it while at walmart tonight. Man I hate when I get like this.

Stacie said...

I don't think it's "giving in to excess." Especially if you sell some things to raise the money. You're not hoarding your stuff, you're willing to get rid of some to get something you would really like.

I get the budget thing but I think you have to treat yourself occassionally or you're going to burn yourself out on the budget overall. Honestly, I don't think God cares if you get a Cricut. I'm sure He just appreciates that you're trying so hard and you're heart's in the right place, hon.

Anonymous said...

I want one & I've never even tried one nor do I have time to scrap right now anyhow!

If you can earn one by doing the plan you outlined, that would be awesome! You can always use ebay to collect accessories for it, etc. at a discount. :)

I'm an enabler. I apologize.

Layni said...

:::in my best PeeWee Herman trying to disguise his voice so the bikers won't kill him, voice::: "I say you get one & share with your friends". Look at that! Another vote "for"!

Anonymous said...

Hey, you are more than half way there with what you sold this weekend, so I say you definitely go for it. Don't back down. (I haven't seen you want something scrap related this bad in a while.) I don't think DR would mind since you sold some stuff and are using gift money for it. Yeah, you need to get yourself one!

Heather said...

Save the money - sell the stuff and get it!! I agree with Stacie -- holding to tight to the budget and not allowing for living will make you forget what you're doing it for!!