Saturday, November 03, 2007

Gimme Some Candy!!!!

How long would this loot last at your house? Me thinks 2 days......
At our house, not a typical candy eating house we'll have this crap well into the new year. Not to mention Ron and I both are on a quest to live healthier, some call that a sir not us. I'm not measuring nothing. Mentally counting points (today I actually wrote stuff down) cause that point counting nonsense actually works and makes sense. No artificial sugars, cause frankly folks that stuff will kill ya, and I'm convinced causes cancer. Mix in a little organic where it's doable, excersize when we aren't being lazy and limit ourselves to 2....maybe 3 pieces of candy a day, and we are well on our way to being healthy. That does not entitle you to ask how much I've lost, unless it appears I am significantly thinner. You can ask Ron though cause dude's dropped some poundage and he's looking sexy. So I'm involved in 2 weightloss challenges which one pays money and one pays a gift card, and if it has a giant cup of "C" on it.....which translated in normal folks talk, STARBUCKS....I'm bout to lose some weight people. I got till Christmas Day to get-r-done. So send up some words and pass the Kashi!
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Stacie said...

I'm adopting "Hallelujah and pass the Kashi" as my slogan for the Christmas gift card challenge :)

Candy doesn't last at our house because I make Rusty take it into work two or three days after Halloween. The boys have had three pieces since Halloween, three days ago. I can live with that until Rusty takes it to work Monday.

Anonymous said...

Multiply the candy loot times 3 in my house. Also a trying to be healthy eater, I swiped Brandon full size 100 Grand bar [yummy] but have yet to eat it. It's hidden just for my piece of mind that I can eat it when I want [ya know, when the kids are stressin' me out]

Teresa said...

I too want to eat healthier but that requires me going to the grocery store and not my husband. He buys all of the crap in the house. Anyway, let me know how it goes.