Life just seems so blah, lately. Nothing all that exciting happening. Nothing all that exciting to look forward to really. Could be just my mood I suppose. Theres some good God stuff going on, but nobody to really share it with that gets all that excited about it, like I do.
I guess my problem is nobody seems to "get" me. If I were to tell any of my friends that the reason I cried everyday 2 weeks ago, could possibly be, because the Holy Spirit was working on me, they all might respectfully agree for the moment but then probably later think I was nuts, and clearly in need of some kind of mind altering medication. I so enjoy being involved with Alpha, and seeing the transformation that people go through, how God touches them in such a simple way. It's like you go into it, and the first week you peg folks like "oh yeah this is the time we have people who just aren't going to get it." And I've been at 3 tables now and every single time everyone gets it, and their lives are transformed.
Lots of good God stuff going on at the Vineyard, guess that's something to look forward to huh? Just watch and see the lives that are changed by God's grace, it's as simple as that.