Monday, September 18, 2006

Real Life....

Have I talked about how much God loves me lately?? Have I? I mean seriously that whole switchfoot thing well that was clearly a God divine appointment. And then I also mentioned, my self inflicted latte ban. Why would I do that to myself? When a 2 minute trip through starbucks drive-thru can happen every single day with barely any effort whatsoever, it's like some sort of cruel and unusual joke. So then Ron hands me todays mail. Which included an unmarked envelope from MN....I know no one in MN. But it felt bulky like I was recieving a credit card....big no no in the world of financial peace. I open it and it's none other than my 2 starbucks gift cards I got from reward points at my bank. THANK YOU GOD! He knew it was too hard for me. That's real life can't make that stuff up!


Heather said...

WOW, Jodi - You did some major good-deed-doing this summer!!! :)

Teresa said...

Don't forget to share.....LOL!

Anonymous said...

That is divine. It's gotta be. HG hook-up. (Hey, I think God likes for us to have Starbucks.)