Friday, June 06, 2014

History of getting my Hair Did....

Well it's one of those tragedies that happen in life that deserves a blog post.  My hair stylist is moving away.  So I thought I'd share a history of getting my hair cut.  Before I was in charge of my own life.  There was the rare occasion my mom would cut my bangs crooked.  Then a family friend cut my hair for my entire childhood.  When I became in charge of my own life, my cousin Susan cut my hair for many years.  I had, perms, a spiked bob, a bob for many years.  Then she married a lawyer and retired.  So then my hair dresser was Candy, in North College Hill.  Then I moved to Fairfield.  I found Tammi at JJ's I went to someone else first and then I think I was a walk in and Tammi cut mine and Perry's hair.  She was so good with Perry, who won't talk and was kind of afraid of scissors.  He was 5.  He was always so small he had to use a booster until he was like 13.  She always gave him a scissor cut.  Until the past few years he gets a buzz. 

I've followed her to 3 different Hair Salons.  I've always texted her when I needed an appointment.  So one time I made an appointment via text, and she neglected to tell me she had moved.  So I go to the old place where she had quit........and had that awkward moment where I said I'm here for Tammi and they are all she don't work her no more.  Well crap.  Needless to say I was a tiny bit late to my appointment since I had to roam my small town to find her. 

She dealt with me coloring my hair with Kool-aid green.  It literally stayed in hair for almost a entire year.  Through multiple hair cuts.  She listened to stories of bad friendships, health issues, school and teacher issues, concerts I attended, and our favorite TV shows. 
Here is a picture of the time she cut my bangs too short.  Perry's hair appointment was a few hours later and when I came back I was wearing a barrette, due to the fact that my bangs were so short they looked weird.  I wore a barrette for a few weeks.  I totally never let her live it down.  We just found it amusing, and then whenever she'd cut bangs I would mess with her.  Really it's just hair it grows back.  Now after 12 years I have to get a new hair dresser, I don't wanna.  They are hard to find.  I told Ron I'd just travel to Nashville every 8-10 weeks, that's not a bad idea.  He said no. 
We'll miss you Tammi, best of luck to you on you new adventure!

1 comment:

Jen said...

You do look lovely. I guess I have been away from your blog a long time, didn't know you were blond now. :-)
Of course, brunettes can look lovely too.