Saturday, March 31, 2012

Mobile Blogging

I've had this ap for a while and haven't used it. So here goes blogging via the iPhone. So I didn't win the Mega Millions. Although that $1 ticket made for all sorts of fun dreaming and fun conversations.

Perry was being mean to me so I told him if I won he wasn't getting any. He quickly apologized. Then when we didn't win, he said "what do we need all that money for when we gave each other",and then he kissed my cheek.

I sure do love that kid!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


I've been in desperate need to blog lately, but really have had no words.  In the past month I've had 6 different deaths that people close to me have been dealing with.  Crazy....there was another I learned of today, and decided, that's enough I'm stopping at 6, and I'm going to now stop counting.  The month isn't over.  Wondering has it always been like this and I just haven't noticed? 

No crazy kid stories to tell.  He did have to start putting on deoderant everyday last week.  He came home from school, and gave me a hug, and I was like "WHOA, DUDE......!"  You can not be that kid!  So I show'd him where his deoderant was, informed the man that, that simple hygene procedure would need to be put into their morning routine stat! 

I ventured to Cbus for my birthday and Abby made my favorite cake.  We had a nice time hanging out!
This is probably the lamest blog post I've posted in a long time, but I posted which is a giant miracle.