Sunday, January 01, 2006

What about me?

So I was reading Heathers blog, as I do daily cause she is dang funny and inspirational to me and life in general. And there she is in Glamour magazine. How cool is that, for blogging no doubt, and she's got the article lead photo, so cool. So then all the sudden I am purchasing Glamour magazine, while picking up Perry's concerta, which went up $5, yowza. What once was costing $9, is now $35.....ahhhh....worth ever penny in my opinion to not have a child climbing the walls and able to maintain a decent level of noise while medicated. But good lord that's pricey.
It was baptism weekend, oops, Ron doesn't go to church on baptism weekend. Apparently being previously catholic (is that what you call it? since he no longer attends mass, but hasn't said "I'm not catholic.) the whole thing with the people being dunked freaks him out, makes him uncomfortable, whatever, I guess he invisions some overly happy vineyard Christian, Jesus freak person grabbing him and submerging him in the water proclaiming that he is now clean. Ha wish it happened that way cause that would be highly entertaining. I look forward to the day he understands what exactly is going on and would even welcome the possibility to show an outward sign that he has chosen to live a life for God. Not saying that he hasn't, but that's what baptism is, merely a symbol saying I've chosen to walk with Jesus and wish to be cleansed, so you go into the water a sinner, and come up out of the water, forgiven and cleansed. Cool....I've been sprinkled as a baby, but would consider being dunked someday. Not saying the first baptism didn't "work", but saying I'd like to make the decsion for myself to me symbolic, and embrace the life I've chosen to live.
Funny, Discoveryland (sunday school) teachers take the kids into "big church" when the baptisms are happening, and Perry mentioned that they had watched. I questioned him to see what he thought. I said what were the getting baptized for? He said " I think it's cause they were dirty, and they needed to take a bath, they should have a shower too, it'd be easier, then they could call it Showerized. They need a shower in that big bathtube." Ha, funny I'll make that suggestion to the VCC staff. As he was getting into the car, I told him the actual reason and said they were being baptized to wash away their sins, and he said "or to wash away their smelly's." Ha!

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