Monday, October 24, 2005

Nice Weekend....

Well the Alpha Day Away was awesome as usual. The Holy Spirit did not disappoint. Kind of bummed my whole table didn't show, but it was all but one. So that was cool, and they all seemed to be happy with the outcome of the day. My apprentice leader is awesome, he and his wife are a lovely couple, and it's cool to see them grow to be super cool Godly people. Plus he said I was a good leader and that was very flattering. I do try, lack in the hospitality part, but my gifts are elsewhere so I make up for it. Feeling a little disconnected from my close friends lately, maybe because I haven't been to a crop in over a month. I think P's new dose of meds is working better. Don't want to say for sure until we've had a full week of it. Kind of dissappointed in the lack of communication from his teachers. Frustrating when you beg to be involved and you get nothing on the other end. Can't try if I don't know what to do. P signed up for basketball. He knows nothing about the sport, but is willing to give it a try, could be interesting. I hope he enjoys it.

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