Friday, July 15, 2005


I don't know how many times I've told you people to hook yourselves up with some Switchfoot. Now come on people, look at these boys? I can get insanely passionate about some good music. Thus the reason why I can justify owning an Ipod. Music is my life, it speaks to me, it controls my every emotion. So when I find something that really speaks to me and shouts in a good way what I've been trying to say for years, good Lord you need to listen they got something to say. Ok I'll admit, that one limp Bizkit song has spoken a time or two to my mood, but I quickly go back to reality and who I really am a Jesus girl, can't change it, that's just who I am. I may come on strong at times to some folks, but I'm just keepin it real, I got nothing to hide or be ashamed of.

On the repeat: Matthew West~Next thing you know I downloaded the whole album and a couple old songs like Happy. He's cool, another new discovery.

How's the gossip ban? HOLY CRAP! Who knew, I am a complete addict. So many folks commented in person and on my blog. I nailed it, or should I say Andy did, it was God but you know what I'm saying. hard is it not to gossip. Amazingly hard. Ecspecially when there are some folks who would rather gossip than not, even though you have told them hey SHUT THE HELL UP! And then theres the dilema, is my life that freakin boring that the only thing I have interesting to talk about is other peoples misfortunes, how completely sad is that? Now I need to make a freakin list of appropriate topics of discussion that will not lead to gossiping. Can I get some help here? We can talk about hummmm......Coffee, Ipods, cool TV shows, blogs, scrapbooking (careful can lead to gossip with the quickness), stamping, rubber mounted or unmounted. Food, (might be a bad idea), music. Things to stay away from when trying not to gossip. Tabloids, topics about your family, (very dangerous territory if they are dysfunctional), folks who anoy you that you don't know well enough to be talking about, hear say, dude who just cut you off in his mini van....don't, good heavens you don't know him, he's gotta get somewhere right now leave him alone. Ok people good luck with this, I am struggling, and my coworkers can not wait for the ban to be lifted little do they know it's NOT temporary, it's a lifestyle change deal with it.

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